Start-Up Company

Do you need help in setting and accomplishing your milestones?

we know how to keep you focused while accelerating your progress.

Do you need additional financial support?

we know how to interest investors and how to convince them to invest.

Do you need confirmation on your plan of action?

we know how to arrive, together with you, at the answers to your questions.

Please read about the Technology Transfer Process framework which OttoConsulting applies to your specific needs. This page displays the techniques which OttoConsulting employs to elevate the potential for your success. 

Depending on where you are in your business development planning process, our services include:

·        business idea analysis

·        patent status and intellectual property right clarification

·        technology analysis and recommendations

·        product idea analysis and recommendations

·        market and customer identification

·        regulatory requirement analysis

·        risk analysis, risk reduction and milestone definition

·        establishment of a strategic business plan

·        establishment of a specific business plan for

fundraising for corporate partnering and 

product-to-market plan implementation

·        fundraising support

grant writing

business plan presentation to angels, venture capital, corporate partners

·        business set-up advice

·        staffing  and partnering advice

·        support in the realization of the plan

We also suggest also reading about the Investment Decision Steps to increase success in raising the required funds by better understanding the investors’ view of your business and the facts which peak their interest in making an investment in your enterprise.

Please contact us to set up a free consultation.

OttoConsulting not only knows what to do for you – it, most importantly, knows how to do it!