University of Connecticut Research and 

Development Corporation

OttoConsulting LLC is currently working with the University of Connecticut Research and Development Corporation on the evaluation of a sensor technology to determine the state of development of the technology and the path forward to commercialization.

Technology validation is an important first step in that commercialization effort, as academic research is divided into (a) basic research – which is focused on the revelation of a novel scientific phenomenon, (b) applied research – which demonstrates the feasibility of exploiting a new phenomenon or process for the development, improvement, or fabrication of a new or enhanced product, and (c) contract research – which is performed for a governmental or industrial client, who pays for a clearly specified, desired outcome of the contract research efforts. 

The research results need, depending on their funding, a very different approach in the analysis of the values of the research results and in the preparation for their commercialization.  The different approaches are particularly important as the funding sources often have specific commercialization requirements for the results. 

 In the emerging knowledge economy, corporations are increasingly shifting their new product development efforts from internal R&D projects to projects with external researchers, i.e. with academic and national labs, in order to enhance their own R&D.

 The University of Connecticut (UConn) is the top public university in New England for the 6th consecutive year and is leading nation-wide in various scientific fields. UConn has established three avenues for the transfer of its faculty inventions to industry: 

 (1) Center for Science and Technology Commercialization (CSTC), which manages the commercial application of the discoveries, inventions and technologies through marketing and licensing,

 (2) Connecticut Technology Incubation (ATP) Program, which aims to accelerate the successful establishment and development of entrepreneurial companies by providing laboratory/office space and support resources, and

 (3) Research & Development Corporation (UConn R & D), which is a for-profit subsidiary of the UConn Foundation that initiates new business start-ups, based on innovative technologies developed by faculty and staff.

For more information about University of Connecticut please go to the University website at or the website of its Research and Development Corporation