Town of Putnam, Connecticut

OttoConsulting LLC is currently working with the Town of Putnam to establish a Technology Incubator.

 The Town of Putnam is located in the northeast corner of Connecticut, USA, and has a population of about 9,200.  One of Putnam’s economic development efforts is focused on attracting technology-based industry to the area.  A new Technology Park and Incubator is planned to provide the right environment for this industry.

OttoConsulting is working with the Town to determine the feasibility of a Technology Incubator program and building to anchor the new park.  The work includes:

Assessing  the extent to which an incubator program could satisfy the needs of entrepreneurs, existing industries, and the community,

Creating a business plan for the incubator program, including business services providing entrepreneurs  guidance in growing their businesses and support in finding financial resources and appropriate business partners to accomplish the growth, and

Guiding the selection of an incubator manager, board of directors and advisors, and support structure of lawyers, accountants, and financial representatives.

For more information about Putnam please go to the town website at